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Second Booster

Second Booster

Fortune’s Pharmacy is providing the second booster COVID-19 vaccine at the moment.  This vaccine is recommended if you are aged 55 year or over or if you are aged 12 years and over and have a weak immune system.

COVID-19 Second Booster

Fortune’s Pharmacy is now administering the second booster vaccine to those clients who are eligible to receive it.

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Second Booster Dose

We are now administering second boosters to all clients aged over 55 years and those aged between 12 and 55 years who have a weakened immune system.   It must be at least four months since your first booster dose.  If you have had a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 it must also be at least 4 months since this diagnosis.  If you are aged over 12 with a weak immune system this will be your fifth dose of vaccine.  There are no plans to offer a second booster to other clients at this time.  If you have not had any COVID-19 Vaccine you can still register for your first dose.

Clients aged 50 years and over will be offered a second dose from Monday August 29th.

Which vaccine will I get?

Clients aged 30 years or over will receive a single dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine depending on what guidance is in operation at the time from the Health Service Executive (HSE).  If you are aged 29 or under you will be given a Pfizer vaccine.  These are both mRNA vaccines and can be given even if you had a different vaccine before.

How do I know if I have a weak immune system?

If you have any of the following conditions you may need to receive a second booster at this stage.  This is because the vaccine may be less effective for you than for other people.  You should talk to your family doctor or hospital consultant if you are not sure that a vaccine is recommended for you.

  • Cancer patients
  • Patients with chronic kidney disease
  • Transplant patients
  • Patients with certain genetic diseases
  • Patients on high doses of oral steroids
  • Patients with HIV

For further information on these groups please check the HSE information page.


We will update this information when any changes occur.

Is the vaccine mandatory?

The vaccine is not mandatory.  However, getting the vaccine will help to protect you and your loved ones from Coronavirus.  It will also help to speed up the getting the country back to normal.

Is there a charge for the vaccine?

The vaccine is free of charge for all people.

Where can I get more information?

Useful places to find up to date information on the vaccine and the fight against COVID-19 include the World Health Organization and the Health Service Executive websites.  T

How do I register for my second booster?

You can register to receive your second booster dose by clicking on the book now button below.  You will be added to a waiting list and we will contact you to arrange an appointment as soon as possible.  If you require any assistance with your booking please phone us at 053 914 2354 or drop in to the pharmacy.

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You should start to get prepared by finding out your PPS Number (PPSN).  Your PPSN can be found in several places.  You may have a Public Services Card, a Medical Card, or correspondence from Revenue, for example.  These will all list your PPSN.  You may also be asked to produce evidence of age.


Where can I find my PPSN?

You can find your PPSN on the following documents –

  • Public Services Card
  • Medical Card or GP Visit Card
  • European Health Insurance Card
  • Drugs Payment Scheme Card
  • Payslip from your employer
  • Correspondence from Revenue or the Department of Social Protection

If you don’t have your PPSN you should make every effort to locate it due to the public health emergency.  If you still cannot find it please contact the Department of Social Protection at 071 967 2616  or 1890 927 999.

Why do we need your PPSN?

We are required by law to collect and transmit a record of your vaccination to the HSE.  Your PPSN forms part of the information we need to send.  It is used to assist in retrieving a unique Individual Health Identifier (IHI) from the National Register of Individual Health Identifiers.